The human being is not the lord of beings, but the shepherd of Being - Heidegger
As an author one of the hardest things for me to do is to convince people to read my books. I find it funny, I always wanted to be an...

Real Life Reboot
It's been a while since I posted and that is largely a result of lack of focus or theme. I want to write all the time, but never know...

2017 A Year in Book Read....
Didn’t get a lot of reading done this year, but there is still room for the top 5! #5 The Shining by Stephen King 6 out of 10 I keep...

2016 Year of Books Read…… In review
30 more books read this year and it apparently is the year of King for me. I try to vary the authors I read, but when you read a series...

A Letter from God?
Currently reading: The Shack by William Paul Young on page 21 I may be jumping the gun here as I am not very far into this book, but it...